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  • India Weaving Loom
    Weaving is an ancient craft that has been practiced in India for centuries. The first evidence of weaving in India dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, where fragments of cloth were found in archaeological excavations. Over time, the craft of weaving and weaving loom has evolved and developed in different parts of India, with different regions specializing in different types of fabrics and techniques. Read More
  • Fabric Relaxation Process: Air Type Fabric Relaxing Imrpove Effect
    Fabric relaxation involves the process of unwinding fabrics from their rolled state, ensuring they are fully relaxed at ambient temperature before reaching the cutting section. This step holds great significance as it plays a vital role in maintaining the fabric's dimensional stability after the cutting process. Read More
  • The Fabric Relaxing Machine in Garment Production
    By employing our SUNTECH fabric relaxing machine, you can ensure that your fabrics achieve a flawlessly smooth finish akin to those produced in professional factories. Moreover, harnessing this advanced technology allows you to optimize time and resource utilization during the garment manufacturing process, resulting in faster production and reduced costs. This, in turn, enhances the competitiveness of your garments in terms of both price and quality. Read More
  • Upcoming Technologies & Suntech Textile Machinery
    The textile machinery(SUNTECH textile machinery) industry is poised to undergo a significant transformation with the introduction of several upcoming technologies. The integration of Industry 4.0, IoT, AI, and machine learning, along with advancements in digital printing, robotics, and automation, and the rise of wearable technology, will lead to increased efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability in the industry. Read More
  • Revolutionizing Fabric Inspection with AI-Powered Automation
    An innovative AI system, combining machine vision algorithms and deep learning technology, has overcome the challenges of automatic inspection. Achieving an accuracy of over 95%, this system provides high-speed inspection exceeding 150m/min. Read More
  • Ancient Textile Weaving Machine in China
    In ancient China, the first textile weaving machine was introduced and it revolutionized the fabric industry, which was called the warp-weighted loom, it was a large, vertical loom that had weights attached to the bottom of the warp threads. Read More
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  8:00 am - 18:00 pm, Monday - Friday
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